Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lesson Learned

It has taken me quite a while to get up the nerve to write this last blog. Honestly, I am not sure how to adequately express all of the lessons I have learned not only about dating, but about myself as a person. I will try my best to illustrate them here, but know I could never do justice to the year that I just had.

First off, a few stats for all you crazy folks:
  • TOTAL # of Different Bachelors: 33
  • TOTAL # of Bachelors that Got a 2nd Date: 8
  • TOTAL # of Bachelors that Got a 3rd Date: 4
  • TOTAL # of Bachelors that got more than just a 6
  • Most Creative Date Activity: Date 45
  • Dates I could of Lived Without: I can think of 3 dates that I wished never happened, if you read the blog you can figure those out on your own.
  • Total # of Engineers:3
Let me know if there are other stats that you are looking to know from my 52 in 52 journey and I would be more than happy to share.

Everyone in the past few weeks have asked me what I have learned or taken away from the past year. Here is what I got:
  • It is easy to complain about being single when you are sitting at home not doing anything about it. The hard part comes when you have to accept being single even if you are dating.
  • There are hundreds of people that I could "date" but there is a huge difference between a date and a relationship.
  • I may not know who I want to be with forever, but I now know some things that I won't accept in a partner.
  • I'm no longer afraid of the process. You can make dating as easier or difficult as you choose. It's up to you.
  • I would of never admitted to having a poor self image or self esteem before this experience, but looking back over the course of this journey I realize how much value women put into the opinion of others about themselves. I no longer let others dictate my self-worth/ image. I'm a pretty cool chick!
  • I am reminded of a quote: "When you drop the ball, it never bounces back as high" I had very minimal requirements for a potential bachelor. I dropped my standard this year and never regained the lost ground. Although is was a somewhat "game" is is important that I remember what my standards are.
  • Don't dictate to others if someone is good enough for them or not. Let them decide. If you don't provide the opportunity for me to make decisions for myself about a person by not introducing us, I will never learn to make a decision in general.
  • Time is valuable. Choose carefully the people you choose to share it with because you can't get it back.
To go this entire journey and come out on the other side just as single as I began could appear to be a failure. I have the right to be frustrated, upset, and even angry. But I am none of those things. I am wiser. I am stronger. I am ready. Ready for idea. That is the beauty of it.

A week after I completed my dates, I decided to celebrate with some friends! Any excuse for a new outfit. I headed to the mall on a Saturday at 2pm (the busiest time of day). Now many of you know that I am a creature of habit, so I park in the same section of the parking lot every time. It is what I know. It is what is comfortable.

I spent the next 20 minutes circling the parking lot looking for an open space. Up and down every aisle with hopes of an opening. I would race other cars to follow shoppers as they exited to their cars only to be outmaneuvered. I would spot and then realize it was just a silly motorcycle. I debated on just parking illegally, as many others had done before me. I even went to back corner to see if I could find a spot that nobody else wanted.

But......I waited. I continued to circle knowing eventually that something would pop open and I would be at the right place at the right time. I wasn't in a huge rush so I just keep looking. And to my shock, as I drove up the row right in front of the door, the front space opened up and I was the only one around. I pulled right in and walked the few steps to the mall entrance.

As I walked into the mall, I laughed. I realized that my timeline to find the right spot (or man) is my own and if I wait long enough and don't settle for less, that the spot that is meant for me will free up. I just need to be ready to park and shop once I found it.

What a year!

Mary Jo

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Date 52- LAST ONE!!!!!

I know you all have been waiting with baited breath to hear about Date 52. In a movie script, I think I would end up falling head of heels in love with Date 52......if only we lived in the movies.

First off, props to my good friends Carri and Spencer for this set up! But not only did they set up the date, they went on it with me! (Double Date). Now for those of you who are avid blog readers, you will remember I tried this early on in the process (Date 4) and it proved difficult. Would Date 52 turn out the same way.......?

The crew picked me up from my house (technically this breaks my only rule) but at this point.....who cares! We headed to a local hot spot for some delicious mexican. Conversation was easy and everyone had a great time at the table but it did prove difficult to ask Date 52 questions about himself because everyone at the table besides myself knew the answer so it seemed silly.

LESSON LEARNED: Double dates can be great but should not be first dates

Date 52 was extremely laid back and easy to chat with. I honestly wish we could of chatted longer because I think we had more in common than we had time to figure out. After dinner we headed to Bricktown for a movie. You can learn a great deal about a person based on what movie premieres they enjoy. We played the thumbs up/thumbs down game during the previews and DAte 52 and I had the same rankings for movies. So...thats a plus!

After the movie, we headed over to marble slab for a treat. I won't lie, I was feeling REALLY guilty that this guy had paid for my dinner and movie ticket and he didn't even really know me or get the chance to know me. So I totally pulled the independent women card and paid for everyone's ice cream. You can blame my mother for this trait. I think he was shocked and I can't tell if offended him or not. Some guys are stuck on things like this, but as you can tell I AM NOT TRADITIONAL! Is it nice when I guy holds a door for you,yes. But after awhile, it looses it's luster.

Date 52 and company dropped me off at my front door. After they were gone, I won't lie. I threw up my hands and did a little jig in my middle of the street. I FINISHED!! I walked down to the local bar (location of Date 49) and had a martini by myself at the bar. IT WAS DELICIOUS:)

I wish something crazy and outrageous would of happened on Date 52...but it didn't..

Now that I am finished I will blog some of the behind the scene things that I left out over this past year and a final recap of what I learned on my dating adventure. So...don't stop reading even though I stopped dating.

Thanks for all the support over the last year.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Date 51- Oldie but goodie over Breakfast

As my timeline was quickly approaching and I had a few dates fall through, I was starting to panic that I would finish (or I would have to pay off my guy friends to take me But much to my surprise an old bachelor from the beginning of this adventure offered to get back involved. Date #5 (for those of you who don't remember you may want to go back and review)

Due to my limited availability, we decided to go out to Cattleman's Steakhouse for breakfast. Who doesn't want a huge hunk of cow on their plate for breakfast???

Date #5 picked me up in his crazy little sports car that NO LADY could ever get in and out of graciously. I am pretty sure it was more like putting the car on me, rather that actually getting in to it. It was really great to see a familiar face again on this journey even if it had been almost a year and he had "defriended" me on facebook. I rocked my "Team CoCo" t-shirt and didn't have to worry because I already knew Date #5 would appreciate it for its awesomeness!

He ordered steak and I stayed safe and got an omelette. The food was AWESOME! I liked it better for breakfast than I did for dinner. Conversation was easy and laid back. Date #5 is a funny kid and I pretty much laughed at his awkward jokes and funny random facts.

After breakfast we had to take the opportunity to go and poke fun of all of the cowboy gear in Stockyard City. It was actually hilarious to wander around in real cowboy territory.

It was great to see Date #5/51 again!

This day was actually a double header as I had a date schedule that evening!


Monday, May 31, 2010

Two more dates

I will post about date 51 and 52 tomorrow.......BUT on another note...52 in 52 COMPLETE!

Date 50- What's the Difference

Date 50

This was date #3 in 3 days, so I don't think Date 50 had much of a chance to succeed with me. I could write about our conversation but I thought it would be more fitting for me to list the red flags comments that Date 50 uttered over the course of the evening. After this many first dates people keep asking if I have found what I am looking for. I haven't found it, but I had figured out a few things that are a plus.

Red Flags:
  • When asked what he does for fun, he answered "Scrabble on my phone"
  • When asked about his family, he mentioned that he wasn't close with his family and hadn't talked to his brother in years.
  • Somehow gambling came up, and he mentioned being addicted to it...
  • His favorite movie (yes...i had to dig to make conversation) is Top Gun. Typical
  • And to top it off, he is just separated, not divorced legally yet. BUt don't worry everyone he hates his ex-wife or I mean wife.
I could go on and on with the red flags but to top it all off he still contacted me after the date to see if I would want to go out again. I tried to be as nice as I could but I didn't think I gave off that impression. Dating is a rough game of reality checks and I had another one tonight. Divorce is scary...I pray that I never know that fear.

What am I a looking for....
  • Someone who cares about their family
  • Someone who believes in love and relationships
  • Someone who is funny and laughs at my jokes
  • Someone who makes me laugh
  • Someone who is driven in the workplace
  • Someone with hobbies
  • Someone who is a REAL sports fan
  • And so on.......

I guess I am still looking for this "someone"

Date 49- In the Neighborhood

Date 49 was an online dater who was not aware of his role in my adventure. Little did he know I was on the start of a dating roll!

Date 49 suggested we meet at 7:30 at Sage. I included the time for a reason. I walked over to my neighborhood dining spot about 7:30 and meet up with Date 49. The menu was already on the table so I started reviewing it and said "I'm starving." Date 49 said he had already eaten and thought we were just meeting for drinks. Now, I could of misread the invitation but when someone suggests meeting at date dinner time at a restaurant and is sitting at a table, not the bar I guess I would think that dinner is involved. MY BAD........

We actually had really interesting conversation! His childhood was not normal and I enjoyed learning about someone unique. His parents are missionaries and he lived out of the country all through high school but couldn't stay away from OU and had to come back to Sooner country. Boomer!

Honestly the conversation was easy but nothing earth shattering. Easy going but after 2 hours I thought it was time to wrap it up. Date 49 went to the restroom. I am friends with the bartender and thought it would help speed things along if he brought the check. So...i asked them to. Not that I wasn't having fun but I think I can only have so much first date conversation.

The funniest part of this date actually happened after Date 49 left. I walked back by the restaurant on the way home and the waiter stopped me and said "I know I don't know you, but you can do way better than that guy!" I almost died laughing because the guy is right. I asked him why he felt like this and he described the awkward moments that occurred previous to my arrival at the restaurant. Apparently he has some issues picking the perfect table and had some weird exchanges with the waiter. I chalk it up to nerves but it still makes me chuckle.

Overall, Date 49 was a super nice guy and I enjoyed the evening. If these is a next time I hope that he can loosen up and have fun!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Date 48- Lunch, who knew?

Date 48- The count down has begun....!

Thanks to my good friends at my work place for this set up! Even though it is at the tail end of the adventure, it still counts just the same! Thanks guys.

With the challenges of my work schedule this month and trying to fit in all of these dates, Date 48 and I decided to make it a lunch get together. To be honest, I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner! With an evening date there is always the pressure of adding on activities to the initial plan if the date is going well or figuring out when to call it a night if now. Well..the lunch date avoids both! It is known going in that you have to return to work, so no stress! Brilliant if you ask me!

Date 48 was well traveled and an extreme thrill seeker. I like to think that I would be able to skydive or go camping, but when push comes to shove, I doubt I would be able to jump. (But am still willing to try..I think). We talked about all of our crazy stories from various traveling adventures. It is great to meet others who have seen the outside world otherwise known as anything outside of the Midwest. I think there is a lot to be learned out there and we should all take advantage of it.

Date 48 is a Dad! I still have a hard time wrapping my brain around the whole parenting thing. As many of my friends become first time mommies (Congrats to Jen and Seth who had their little one today!!) I realize that I am not ready to give up my spare time for someone else yet like you do a child. Maybe someday....!

Date 48 and I didn't get to deep into anything due to the limited time frame of the date but I enjoyed his company and bet with more time we would of gotten into a debate of sports, OU or something.

Thanks to all of you who have been setting me up on these dates. I am still in disbelief that this adventure is coming to a close, BUT I STILL NEED YOUR HELP!! Deadline is TUESDAY, JUNE 1st!!! 4 more dates...5 days!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

2 minutes drill all know I speak best in sport analogies thanks to my brother so here goes...

I have 5 date to complete by June 1st. I feel like I am down 7 and am setting up for the onside kick to get a chance to win the ball game. I am confident I will make it happen but could use your support!!!

Keep the potential dates coming!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Date 47- STELLA!!!!

First off, another shout out to my LOYAL buddies for setting me up on yet another date! thanks Kristi! :)

Date 47 and I did all our initial correspondence through email, which after doing this for awhile now I think I prefer. It keeps you from having the first date on the phone instead of in person. If you ask all of those questions first, then you are left with nothing to talk about on the date. So we decided to try out a new restaurant in midtown called Stella! I really had no expectations on it, so was excited to give it at whirl.

Now, for those of you who know me, you know that I am not a short person. I am actually 5 ft 8 inches tall. I always struggle on my shoe choices because I never know how tall any particular bachelor will be. I really wanted to wear some new heels so I took a chance and wore then hoping that I wouldn't tower over my date. Wrong! I hoped that he wouldn't be bothered by this fact, but he did mention it. What can a girl do.......I love those shoes!

Date 47 was intrigued by my adventure and totally on board to participate. He was recently out of a relationship and ready to get back out there. We had a wonderful conversation about all sorts of topics including Kansas sports, family, friends, work, etc.

We had planned to head down to Live on the Plaza event but with the crazy weather we changed plans and headed to a movie in Bricktown. I laughed because Date 47 was down with seeing a chick flick. Not sure if that is b/c he wanted to be nice to me or he wanted to see the movie. Either way.....I got to see a girlie movie.

I think I mentioned this early on in my blogging but I noticed it again on this date. Bricktown on a Friday night is filled with couples! All ages, shapes and sizes. It must be Datetown instead of Bricktown. LOL

On the home stretch and still need some help........HELP!

Monday, May 17, 2010

a quick update

A quick update for everyone....

Date 47 happened
Date 48 scheduled for this week
And the plan is to do the last 4 dates NEXT WEEK!! Need to schedule if you know anyone that can help me round out the last phase of my project...LET ME KNOW


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Date 46- Something about Mary......pisses me off!

Alright, I have to start off with this one because those of you that actually know me know how much my blood boiled on this. Date 46 called me "Mary" three times even after I corrected him the first two slip ups! HOW HARD IS IT TO CALL ME BY MY NAME??????? I mean really.....after 3 times I just give up and realize that you either don't care or are not listening.

After 46 dates, I would classify myself as a seasoned pro at this first date thing, so I think I am recognizing more signs that the bachelor is nervous now since I've figured out how to not be. Date 46 must of been pretty nervous because some of those nervous tick type things came out early in the date. I try my best to look over them but they are hard not to notice. Clearing your throat, cracking knuckles, and not making eye contact are all signs of nerves and Date 46 struggled with all three to begin.

I could review the entire dinner conversation for you all but to be honest I don't think we had anything in common. This caused us to bounce from subject to subject. He was the most comfortable when I asked him about himself, as most are, so I stuck to that subject the majority of the night. Date 46 proved to be an interesting character to say the least..lets review
1)He is a magician in his spare time
2) He can ride a unicycle
3) He traveled a year with the circus (for real)

yep! I said it, traveled with the circus. That totally beats my year of traveling as a professional sorority girl for sure. Right??

We had a very nice dinner and the headed over to Harkins to see "Date Night" I will admit is was pretty funny movie and I laughed the entire time. After the movie, I decided I was finished with this date so before Date 46 could propose the idea of another activity I went ahead and called it a night. Some may call that cruel, but it was better than dragging it out.

Date 47 tonight.......

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Date 46- TONIGHT

Date 46 is scheduled for tonight........that will leave me with 6 more to finish before June 1st! Talk about cutting it close!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

DAte 45- I guess you can call me "yeller"

Date 45 took this thing to the next level when it comes to actually planning a date. I have to commend him for trying to steer clear of clique dating trends and thinking outside the box......! If only I wasn't a big chicken!

Normally I post a pre-date interview on the blog to preview to all of you out there my thoughts and knowledge on the bachelor, date plans,etc. Well,... Date 45 beat me to it and actually sent me a pre-date questionnaire. I have included his questions below....

Here's your pre-date questionnaire to help me firm up the options that I am weighing for our date.
1. Are you a smoker?
2. Are you afraid of heights?
3. Is there any kind of food that you just DON"T like?
4. Can you do the moonwalk?
5. Would you walk under a ladder or cross the path of a black cat?
6. Can you crack an egg without getting shell in the pan?
7. I'll bet you're really freaking out right now! :)
8. Don't get too worked up.
9. Remember....
10. No pressure.

Well, how bout that! Without hesitation I fired back my response knowing that this was not going to be your average "date." So, it was determined that we would meet up at Star-bucks and that I was suppose to bring tennis shoes. So..I packed some shoes in my purse and marched myself down to Bricktown to meet this bachelor. Within seconds we met, and hoped in the car and headed north on I-35. Now, I did know that Date 45 works in entertainment doing stunts, so the second we pulled into Frontier City I started to crack up.

The park was closed down and Date 45 took me to the old country western set in the middle of the park to attempt to learn some stunts. Honestly, I kinda actually felt like I was on the show the Bachelorette for a second, because this felt very staged but cool at the same time. When he turned the stage lights on and started performing his stunts....I gave in.

My stunt was to fall off the 3rd story holding onto a ladder. Simple.....Yes! It appears that way until you are standing on top of this ladder with the 45-mph gusts of winds blowing in your face. I think I might of "attempted" this stunt like 6 times but every time I got close I chickened out. Date 45 was a WONDERFUL teacher and NEVER made me feel silly for chickening out but I was mad at me. I kept flashing back to the movie "Back to the Future 3" (the wild west one) where they call him yeller...aka chicken. As I am sitting in this western themed set I could feel the criticism and people calling me chicken. "Nobody calls me yeller"...Except in this case of course because I totally chickened out.

After giving in and leaving the park, I already know that I have to go back to conquer this stupid stunt. (Mark my words on this one..I will do it)

We headed to dinner back in downtown and ended up being THOSE PEOPLE, who sneak into a restaurant right before they close and expect to be served. Lucky for us the bartender was cool and actually sat in on this portion of the date. Honestly, he never left the bar and we talked to him the entire time. I think he might of enjoyed being on the date more than Date 45 or myself.

After dinner Date 45 challenged me to a game of darts at Tapworks! Now, I have never played before for real but I gave it my best shot. Never won, but I hit the board. Most of the time...! We meet some Canadians on our date who also thought it would be cool to play a supporting role in this story instead of just making a cameo appearance. But hey...they are Canadians: They don't know better. They actually LOVED the fact that we were on a blind date and kept telling stories of how one of them married their blind date. Cute huh.....

Overall, there were 7 people on this date:
1) ME
2) Date 45
3) The ladder
4) The bartender
5) Canadian #1
6) Canadian #2

7) the guy that set us up...someone couldn't stop text messaging to check in on us!

To sum it all up, I had a blast! I could tell Date 45 put some effort into making this fun for both of us and I am sure he accomplished that for sure.

This leaves me with 7 dates to go....HELP!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Date 44- OKC Arts Festival

As I look back over my dating adventure, I have noticed that I have attending some of OKC's best annual events so it made sense to include the OKC Arts Festival in the mix of great Oklahoma City events to attend.

Since Date 42 outline all of the benefits of going to the Museum of Art on a date, all of the same rules apply to this date with the addition of food and lots of people! Alright onto the details of Date 44....

Many of you may remember Date 38 that occurred on St. Patrick's Day..well, this he is back for a second dose of MJ. The cool thing about this bachelor is that we had not seen each other in over a month but he wasn't afraid to just give me a call out of the blue to see if I was interested in hanging out. How refreshing....I know that I shy off if contact has been lacking since the initial date. It is easier to just let it fizzle out than try to strike another match. Props to Date 38/44!

Ok, so Date 44 had a car issue so he asked me to come pick him up. Now this is not an issue, but it did feel funny to go pick up my date. The funny part was I actually thought I should open the car door for him.......I refrained myself but it did cross my mind. HA! I don't know how you boys do it. It felt funny to drive my date back to Bricktown but I did get to show of my AWESOME parallel parking skills. Date 44 even comments on how kick ass they were. (See everyone, all women are not bad drivers!!)

Now, the art at the festival is a bit more festive and commercial than we one can find in the art museum. But, one downfall is that you can't make fun of it because the artist is sitting two feet from you. Art from 1600 doesn't present this issue so I had to quickly learn to keep my comments to myself. Or at least wait till we walked away. Date 44 helped me spot some awesome art but I didn't get a chance to actually purchase anything this year. favorite quote that I spotted was "The deadline for complaints was yesterday." How awesome is that! I am so hanging that on my office door.

Now, some people will say the main reason for going to the festival is for the art but we all know it is for the food. Now Date 44 is on a vegetarian kick which limits his options so I laughed to myself when he sat down with a rice bowl thing and I come with a spicy brat covered in onions. Another role reversal....who knows but I should really thing about ordering a wiener on a! And of course, I wouldn't leave until we got the fried peaches!! SOOO GOOD!!!! And I will say that Date 44 enjoyed a few bits as well, but I handled that dessert

Ok, now the funny part of this date! I will admit I dressed a bit preppy for this evenings occasion with top siders, button up with matching sweater and scarf. I thought it was cute but looking back I will admit it was a bit much. Date 44 has a unique laid back style that if I must classify I would put in the alternative/ hippie arena but nothing crazy. When we ran into a large group of his friends at the festival......I realized how much I stuck out. The game from Sesame Street came to mind. "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn't belong." I tried my best to act cool in this moment but I have never wished harder to be wearing a headband that I made myself out of bamboo or something organic. Oh well.....they were all nice and I am hoping the didn't notice my extreme preppiness but that is doubtful. Date 44 is so laid back, I doubt it event matters!

I have really enjoyed getting to know Date 44 over the course of 2 dates and think he is a pretty neat fella! This is exactly what I wanted to come from this experience...the chance to meet people I would have never crossed paths with otherwise.

To recap, I have been on Date 45 and will blog about that soon along with another interesting topic. People's reaction to my adventure. It always seems to come out in a new group of people and I am still amazed at the reactions I get......keep reading to hear about both!

ONLY 7 more.....and one month to do it! Help a girl out

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Date 43- Left the City Limits

Date 43 took me out out of the city limits and my normal stomping ground of Bricktown! I headed south to Norman to meet up at a great restaurant. To be honest, I wasn't all that excited about having to drive that far but it was really nice to get out of the rut of Bricktown.

Before I get to far into the details of this one, gotta send props once again to my LOYAL class for another date set up. You all are awesome!

I arrived at the restaurant and realized that I had not done sufficient enough pre-date research to have any idea what this bachelor looks liked. So, I went ahead and sent the "I'm here" text message. I instantly received a message back inviting me to meet him at the bar. He invited me to have a drink, so I ordered a Mojito!! Can't go wrong with those....! (Date 43 informed me that they are a pain to make as a bartender..but I feel like that is what makes them so good).

Now, we met at 9:00pm, so I assumed we would order some dinner upon arrival but as we continued to chat I started to panic that I had assumed incorrectly. Had I misunderstood the timing and now I will starve to death. I know this sounds silly, especially after the roll incident last week, but I worry about stuff like this. I can't drink anything on an empty stomach and then expect to not act a fool. Proven fact......

Date 43 was full on fun, vibrate conversation and we seemed to hit it off right from the start. Conversations flowed and never seemed forced. Always nice not to be reaching for conversation! Had quite a few moments that I feel you all would enjoy...

He ordered for me! Yep...this is a true statement. Still not really sure how I feel about that but apparently Date 43 was good friends with the chef and likes to risk his meal on the whim of the chef. I am a bit more conservative and like to ensure I have chosen something that I know I like. I threw what some of you may call a fit to ensure that I did not end up with fish but I went along with it and ended up with a fantastic meal. I guess it is nice to push your boundaries every once in a while!

Another good story: While Date 43 was in the restroom, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Two college women who seemed to be out having a few glasses of wine had been listening in on my date and were intrigued to find out if I was on a blind date or not. After I confirmed their suspicion, they asked how we got set up which then forced me to go into the readers digest version of 52 in 52. The girls freaked out and LOVED the idea and next think you know I am writing the blog address on a napkin at a bar. Date 43 returned to the bar and I filled him in on our bar neighbors interest in our date. Next thing I know, he has tapped them on the should, covered my ears and asked the ladies how he was doing on the date. I am pretty sure he could not of handled that better. I cracked up......! Now I doubt Date 42 picked up on this but when the girls left they leaned over and said "so is he the winner, or what?" I won't divulge how I answered that question but only time will tell if I am right.

The evening turned out to be filled with good food, good company and good atmosphere. Getting close to the end.......

Date 44 post to come soon......9 dates left! SINGLE DIGITS!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Date 42- Is that Art?

Sorry for the delay in posted about Date 42. I find that sometimes I am torn on what to discuss on the blog so I put off doing it in order to make sure I know what components of the date I want to "report on."

Another shout out to my LOYAL class on setting this date up! Thanks girl!

Date 42- After a seires of emails and phone calls determining both the activity and timing of the date, we decided to check out an exhibit that was closing at the OKC Museum of Art. After living in OKC for almost 7 total years, I had still yet to go to the art museum to look at the art, so I thought I would give it a try.

I was suppose to meet Date 42 at 6:00pm. I was so engrossed for a meeting at work that day, that when I looked at my watch, it was 5:50pm!! I literally stormed out of my meeting, grabbed my purse and ran to my car. I drove home, changed clothes, touched up make-up and brushed my hair and still made it to the museum by 6:12. Ohhh the beauty of living in Bricktown!!!

We went to see the closing of an exhibit that was all about "Anti-Gravity" which featured some random "art" made out of chairs and buckets. I will admit it was pretty cool to see what someone can do with such normal objects but it makes me question the definition of art. My date was an engineer so I think it was difficult for him to appreciate the randomness of this exhibit. Random is not beauty to someone with an engineer brian. LOL

We walked around the entire museum to check out all of different pieces of art. I will honestly say that this is a FANTASTIC first date activity for a few reasons
1) There is ALWAYS something to look at, read and discuss. There is never an "awkward silence" because silence is acceptable in an art museum.
2) Continuos movement: Since you are always walking around, you never have to worry about where to put your hand, how your sitting, etc. This also allows for natural contact between the daters if desired.
3) Conversation can't get to personal: Since you are surrounded by other patrons in the museum your conversation about personal issues can't get to deep. This keeps anyone from diving into "non-first date conversations."
With all this being said, I have no doubt that an awkward person could break all of these rules and make it miserable, but I was lucky enough to not have that happen.
After the art it only seemed natural to continue the evening with dinner at the Art Museum Cafe. First off, I want to discuss the choice of food by Date 42 because those of you who read the blog will get a kick out of it. So, before we even ordered the waiter brought each of us a roll. Without evening thinking i snarfed mine down, because WHO DOESN'T LOVE ROLLS! I sat there and watched my date never touch his stupid roll. At first I thought he was being polite but he never touched it. It sat there alone and abandoned all night long. It took everything I had not to reach over and just stuff my face with it. Poor roll....poor MJ. But, that is not the ironic part. Date 42 ordered THE DUCK. If you guys go back to date 7 I think, he also ordered the duck. I just can't get into it, but apparently the men of Oklahoma City can. Ohh well.

Throughout dinner, Date 42 and I discussed all of the normal first date topics but a few components of the conversation ring in my ears. I really do feel like I have learned something from this experience about more than just dating, but about people in general.

Date 42 was a triplet and had two additional siblings on top of that. To an outsider, this is an extremely cool fact, but it seemed like Date 42 wasn't blown away by that fact anymore. I could tell he loved his family but he told me he wasn't extremely close to them. Now, I talk to my parents pretty much every day (don't judge me) but as I have grown older I really look at them as my dearest friends. I think it is easy to assume that anyone with a big family has the "Brothers and Sisters" relationship with everyone they are related to, but I guess not. For me, family is my #1 and I never make a decision without their input and support. I think it was just a learning experience for me to know that not everyone relies on their family the way that I do.

Both Date 41 and Date 42 were engineers. To be honest, it was eerier how similar the conversations were about careers, families, etc. I am not saying they were identical by any means but a few times I felt like I had just had this same conversation with someone else. It took me a while to realize that I HAD indeed had that conversation the week before. I think this happens when you are searching for something you have in common that you can discuss in more detail. People jump from topic to topic hoping to make a connection.

Also, for reference: Never both go to the bathroom at the same time. The wait staff may think you walked out on your check. :)

Now, I titled the blog "Is that Art" because I went to the art museum but I wonder if there is an "art" to dating. I know I have mastered the awkward scheduling, meeting and conversations but is there a true art to it. I wonder..........

Date 43 tomorrow! Help me finish these last 10! SET ME UP!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Date 41- Silverware required!

First off, I apologize for not getting a pre-date interview posted for Date 41. I was unsure of the best person to ask to interview me because I was honestly not sure how Date 41 got tuned into my dating adventure. Midway through our date I remembered to ask Date 41 how he found out about 52 in 52 and the credit actually goes back to Date #1. First date of the bunch also gets credit for Date 41....well done! Thanks!

Ok now onto the recap...I meet Date #41 at a local Ethiopian restaurant for dinner. I give this bachelor some credit for trying to do something that was unique and not just another Bricktown restaurant. To be honest, when I read the menu I was a bit intimated but I just went with the flow. How bad can it be.....right?

Well at first the waiter brought us towels on a plate. To be honest, I wasn't all that sure what the hell to do with them but I followed the lead of my date and figured out they were meant to clean your hands. I should of figured this was a sign of what was to come but I was still pretty naive. The appetizer came out and were delicious. Fried something....:) Yum!

Next was the main course! They set down a huge plate filled with various different piles of food, non of which I could identify. Then came some funny sweet tortilla type things that were more lunch sponges. I waited for the serve to remember to bring us silverware, but as I soon found out, silverware is not an option. YOU EAT WITH YOUR HANDS!!!! Ok.......on a first date? I was pretty unsure about this but gave it a good try. The food/mush was not bad, but I felt like a kid with bad motor skills trying to pick it up with the bread and eat it while still looking lady like. Remember, I am on a date!! :)

Lesson Learned: If you want to be creative with your restaurant choice on a date, just ensure they have silverware! :)

Date 41 was easy going and excited to be a part of 52 in 52. I respected the fact that he understand the notion behind the whole thing and was willing to play a part in it. I drilled Date 41 with questions about his job, background and hobbies. Funny thing is, he never really asked me anything about me. Either he already knew it all from reading my blog, forgot to ask, or didn't think it was important. Another tip, this one I learned from a professor in college.

People like to talk about something that they are an expert in. Everyone is an expert on themselves! So give them a chance to shine......Date 41 forgot that one but no biggie! I think when people get nervous they just rattle on and forget they are having a conversation instead of telling a story. This is not the first date this has happened and I doubt that last but those of you who know me know I don't need to be asked to talk about myself!

I enjoyed the conversation with Date 41 about traveling, politics and family but I would alway recommend leaving out any past relationship drama out of the first date conversation. When this stuff comes out you always run a risk of not coming off the way you think you should. Past relationships are not first date conversations, no matter how much they affected your life. No need to discuss failed relationships, engagements or marriages fellas. I doubt you want to hear about my old boyfriend so if you find yourself headed down that road in the conversation, find the next exit ramp and get off!

Now, Date 41 suggested that since the dinner was a bit difficult to eat that we head to Melting Pot to have dessert. Melting Pot drives me nuts that you pay more to cook your own food at your table, but I can not deny their dessert. What a GREAT IDEA! We enjoyed some great drinks and chocolate to end the evening.I will say that I ate WAY more than my date and got self conscious and stopped. I totally could of finished that entire plate of goodies. I should of just gone for it....but no girl wants to be that girl.

Now many of you who know me are aware of the Dewey Decimal system first date that I experienced a few years back. Now, I'm am still not sure who but this story came up and I told it in all its glory to Date 41 and I think he felt a lot better about himself. Rest assured guys, there is always someone out there that is worst that you at dating! :) (For reference, I went on a date with a guy who shared with me that he organized his personal bookshelf with the DEWY DECIMAL SYSTEM!!!)

All in all, the date was a nice evening of interesting conversation and difficult to eat food. Mark another date done....Date 42 is scheduled for Thursday! Get ready!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Date 40- Rock cute can you look doing that?

This past week I got grilled by a group of friends about the "perfect" date and what the skeleton of this so called date would look like for a guy to use to plan off of. It was hilarious to field all of these questions because to be honest there really isn't a true answer. But I do have a few thoughts on it, that Date 40 could of used.

Date 40 Recap:
I met Date 40 at OKC Rocks, a local rock climbing joint in OKC. Now, the last time I went rock climbing was my freshman year of college, so it has been awhile. What does one wear to go rock climbing and a date at the same time?? I struggled with this but ended up in a hat, tennis shoes and the "cutest" work out clothes I have. Not my normal first date attire!

Right out of the gate, Date 40 and I had to get our harnesses on! Not a lady like adventure, but I went along with it. Rock climbing is a team activity so we had to work together right off the bat. I will admit it is hard to try to impress someone climbing rocks, but I sure tried. I was actually proud of myself because I made it up both of the walls I attempted. Now, my muffin top was hanging out the entire time, but that is beside the point.

Now, the next part is a learning lesson for Date #40 and any other gentleman. I had parked my car in another lot so I asked Date 40 to a ride to my car since it was raining. He was happy to drive me over. When he dropped me off, before I even got my hand on the car door, he drove off. Now, this caught me a bit off guard. My parents taught me that whenever you drop someone off at the car or house, you wait for them to get in the door or till the car starts just to make sure they are ok. When Dat 40 pulled off......I feel like that demonstrated a lot. This doesn't make him a bad person, but it does lead me to think he is not the most considerate of folk.

After going home to change clothes, I met Date 40 and his roommate and roommate's girlfriend for dinner in Bricktown. Although they were very interesting people and it made it easier to carry conversation, I don't think that a double date is the way to go on the first date. It is difficult to get to know someone when you are the only one at the table who doesn't know everyone. Inside jokes and funny memories are hard to keep straight when you are new to the group. After dinner, Date 40 suggested that we meet up with more friends at another bar in NW OKC. Now....I would of preferred to stay in Bricktown or just call it a night, but I went along for the ride. Here is my point, no need to keep adding on activities to a date on the fly. It is ok to just let it come to a close naturally and not force it. The last hour was difficult because the plan didn't really pan out. I guess I am saying end on a high note!

There are so many potential topics to discuss with this particular date but I will keep it short and sweet!

Date 41 is planned for keep reading!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

DAte 39- A few to many

After a double header weekend of dates, I thought I would go ahead and blog about Friday night first so nobody gets behind:)

Date 39 was a true friend of a friend....thanks Holly! (That is 3 dates from Holly)

The recap:
I had honestly no idea who I was meeting for this date. I did not do my regular online stalking bit to at least have an idea who I am looking for. So....when I walked in the door to Zios and it was packed, I was not sure what to do. I decided to grab a seat at the bar and wait. After 5 minutes of waiting, I got anxious and sent Date 39 a text letting him know I was at the bar. After his response that he was having trouble finding a place to park, I went ahead and got a table. After reading over the menu three times and catching up on Facebook on my phone, I was getting a little annoyed that he was almost 20 minutes late. Then..when the waiter asked me if I had been stood up...I thought "well crap, this would be the just my luck". What waiter actually asked that...jerk!

Date 39 walked right up to the table and introduced himself. I almost stuck my tongue out to the stupid waiter who thought I had been left out to dry. This was not the end of the annoying waiter...! Every time either of us tried to tell a story or say anything I swear he was back at our table getting in the middle of the date. I think he might of wanted to sit down with us. But that is beside the point...

Date 39 and I had an good dinner. Conversation was light and flowing so all was pretty easy. After dinner we didn't have a plan, so we ended up at Michael Murphy's Dueling Piano Bar. I would of thought this was not a great date place, but was pretty easy to hold conversation but not feel like you had to talk the entire time. Now..we had a very nice waitress that felt the need to keep bringing round after round of drinks...and I never seemed to turn them down. I can say after 5 drinks, Mary Jo is a bit more relaxed and fun. (Flirty may be the word). It sure is amazing how much fun people can seem when you have a few drinks in ya!

Date 39 said a few things that made me laughed. He didn't want to be set up a date until he heard about 52 in 52 and he was totally game after that. I admire anyone who will sign up to be part of my silly adventure. He also mentioned that he didn't know how I was single. Comments like that are very cute, but I am never really sure what to say to that. Am I suppose to tell him WHY I AM SINGLE? Nobody wants to tell someone all of their flaws.......come on! So I just said something like, "who knows, but aren't you glad I am". LOL

We had a great time at the bar but I was responsible and walked home around midnight. Date 39 was so nice to escort me to my front door. Even though I am pretty darn independent, I have figured out that if a boy wants to walk you home, just let them. It is just easier and lets the boy feel good about himself.

I had a great time with Date 39 but knew I had Date 40 the next day.....stay tuned to hear about Date 40 went.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pre-Date Interview- DAte 39/40

This weekend is a double header of this predate interview will cover both dates and is presented by LOYAL Class V.

What is your favorite thing about this bachelor so far?
Honestly, that fact that I know VERY little about them before going on the date which allows a lot more potential conversation topics.

Has this bachelor ever dated any of your friends? If so, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I don't believe either DAte 39 or 40 have, but this would be funny if it did happen!

What is the plan for the date?
Date 39- Dinner in Bricktown
Date 40- Rock Climbing and then dinner

Compared to the other 38 (?) dates, how excited are you about this date?
My excitement level is normally the same for just about all of the dates. I am really just excited to be so close to 52 !

Which is more important date “activity” or date “person”?
They have to be a good mix. A good activity can cover up a bad person and vis versa...but I would rather watch paint dry with an awesome guy then go to a nice dinner with a stiff.

What is a helpful hint you can pass along to the men who are reading regarding planning a good date?
Just remember that it is suppose to be fun, and that not to try to hard. When you have such a detailed plan, sometimes you forget to enjoy the date b/c you are to worried about the PLAN.

Make sure to read the blog to hear about Date 39 and 40!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

DAte 38- Good Luck on St Patrick's Day?

Date 38...complete!

Honestly, while I sit here and try to think of something creative or funny to blog about this date I am really struggling. It was really a "normal" date! Let me explain...

Date 38 was well aware of the 52 in 52 adventure and signed right up. I always respect a guy for that. We exchanged very witty emails prior to the date, so my expectations were high for this one. We meet up for drinks on one of the busiest days of the years for any bar. Some would say there was added pressure because it was a holiday but if there was, I didn't feel it.

Not sure if any of you reading have been to VZD's on Western, but upstairs there is a half booth that just has one side. I cracked up when it was the only table open. (If any of you remember my issues with sitting on the same side of the booth from early on in this adventure) But circumstances required it, so there we sat. We had great conversation. It flowed from subject to subject and was easy. Topics of world travel, OKC politics, and March Madness were all covered with smooth transition and ease. I think he was such an interesting person that I kept asking more questions about his life than even talking about my own. Honestly, meeting such amazingly interesting people was not the intent of this project but has been a unforeseen benefit to my dating adventure.

Now, not so say we didn't some awkward moments thanks to our drunk friends. My good friends ended up at the table next to us and we had an awkward picture taking moment but I think Date 38 take the cake on friend fouls. After a text from a drunk friend asking him where he is, the friend showed up at our table with a beer in hand unaware of the fact that we were on a date. You could see it on his face when he realized he has just made this situation very awkward and I had to contain my laughter. I give props to Date 38 for his deflection of the impending friend interruption. I don't think I would of been as smooth.

After a while in the mini booth, we spotted another table booth and made our way over. Ordered some dinner and listened to the bagpipers play. I don't think we realized how loud it was getting in the bar until both of us had soar throats from yelling. We decided to take this date to a secondary location. Prohibition Room.

Now, on a funny note. It took Date 38 over 3 hours to finally bring up 52 in 52. I always laugh at this because I never know how much they know or want to know about the whole process. After I went through the entire backstory of how this all came about I could see he still wasn't satisfied. He finally just came out and asked what number is was! I think he was shocked when I told him 38. I followed that up with the information that this doesn't have to be a one a done deal...and I think he was happy to hear it.

After another cocktail and more in depth conversation, we went our separate ways but I think both were shocked at how smooth the date went overall. So glad that I had the opportunity to meet such a unique person.....

Hope to see DAte 38 again sometime, but looking forward to Date 39!

Keep reading and keep recommending potential bachelors!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pre-DAte Interview: DAte 38..St Patrick Day Special

Pre-date interview brought to you by my friend CHAD! Thanks for the set up.....

1) How did this date come about?
After a plea with some friends, I finally convinced some friends to dig into their blackberries and get some dates for me!

2) Where do you plan on going?
VCD's to start...and then who knows....

3) Is there added pressure that it is St. Patrick's Day or does that add to the fun?
I think a little bit of both. But I made sure to ask the bachelor before we committed to the date and he was on board!

4) Are you Irish? Is the bachelor? Does being Irish matter?
I look Irish since I am so pale....but no idea. The bachelor? I will have to check into that

5) Who seems more excited? You? The date? The person who set up this date?
The person who set up the date...but I would say that all parties involved are pumped about Date 38.

6) Rumor is that this date speaks Spanish. What do you think about bilingual guys - add anything to dates?
I am intrigued.......

7) Will you ask the guy to show off his special speaking skills?
I guess now I have too....

Make sure to keep reading about Date 38!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Date 37:Everyone has a first time

I am one step closer to completing this adventure and I can honestly say every day is still an experience that I can learn from. Ok......lets discuss Date 37.

Date 37 was one of the few bachelors that volunteering himself to be part of my crazy social experiment. I will admit, this intrigued me that someone would think of it as a privilege to go on a date with me. After a last minute change of plans, we decided to meet at the Skrivin Red Piano Bar for a drink before heading over to the Thunder Season Ticket Holder Appreciation event. I knew that I would run into people that I know at both venues, but it started to appear like I was a regular at the bar because I am pretty sure that 4-5 people walked right up to say hello. I won't lie, but I think Date 37 might of been a bit intimated by this.

After the initial introduction and small talk about jobs, families and hobbies I jumped right in and asked Date 37 why he stepped up and decided to take me out on a date. He answer was so genuine. He said, "I have never been on a blind date before and I thought it would be a good chance for me to get out there and take a risk." Not everyone is willing to leave their comfort zone and for him to do it in such a open forum was something I respect. Because honestly, I had the same feeling when I started this journey.

During our date we discussed the art of the blind date and I felt like an old seasoned pro passing tips along to the rookie. A year ago, I would of never imagined myself even playing that role in a conversation about dating. Date 37 was truly an interesting person. A small business owner, fraternity member, active role in politics here in Oklahoma and a fine knowledge of the establishments on Western avenue brought about all sorts of conversation topics. Although he was a Thunder fan, he was not a fan of the college basketball game and for me in the month of March....that is strike one. LOL..sad, I know.

After stopping by the Thunder event and seeing some good friends, we walked over to Bricktown for dinner and then he walked me home. Date 37 even thanked me for allowing him to be a part of 52 in 52....can't say that has happened before. Although DAte 37 was VERY NERVOUS about his first time on a blind date and it showed at the beginning, I felt good that he was able to ease into the evening and learn to enjoy getting to know somebody new even if there is a spark or not.

My grandma called me this weekend to ask if I found "LOVE" on this date and sadly I had to report I had not, but I have 15 date to you never know. But at this rate, I'm not holding my breath. (Just crossing my fingers)

Another date scheduled for St. Patricks Day this week.......should be interesting

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bringing back the Pre-Date Interview

I am going to try to bring back the pre-date here is my pre-date interview from my good friend and neighbor! Date 37 is scheduled for tomorrow

1. How did you get set-up with this date? The power of social media!

2. Any idea of the date activities? There has been talk of dinner, music and a walk around the lake

3. Who made the first move in setting this date up, you or the eligible bachelor? After this bachelor showed interest to our mutual social media expert, I went ahead and contacted him about setting something up.

4. When asked about 52 in 52, what do you find to be the most common question? There are so many…I never get out of the conversation without answering a least 4-5 follow up questions but I would say the main question is “WHY” and “WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU ACTUALLY LIKE ONE OF THEM”

5. If you had to pick the best date so far (actual date activity, not person) which one comes to mind? That is actually hard to do because the company on the date really makes the activity that much better. The highlights: Miniature golfing, state fair and baseball game. Thunder Game was good too! Comedy show at the Speak Easy was also high on the list.

6. What has surprised you most about this dating experiment? Wow, honestly I didn’t’ think I would actually get better at the game of dating but I think I have. At least the part about not getting nervous and panicked about the date before I even show up. Also, I think I realize the value of my time more than I did before this started.

Make sure to keep reading because the hope is to move quickly and get this adventure finished up BEFORE the June 1st deadline!

Monday, March 8, 2010

It had to happen eventually

I knew it had to happen eventually...

For those of you avid followers, go back to my last post and check out the comments. You will notice that someone commented on my spelling mistake (which I am aware happens more often than not) but it is not the comment I am brining to your is the salutation and the name that signed it.
You misspelled stretch ;) - Slow & Steady
Yep, your memory is serving your right. That is signed by the bachelor that we refereed to as "Slow and Steady" and who I never told about the blog. The only bachelor who I felt bad about keeping my little blog from because I felt like we grew to be real friends. I am going to assume that the "wink" in the comment means he is laughing about the entire thing.
But I would like to point out a plus for Slow and Steady that many bachelors or bachelorettes never get. He is able to ready my posts and see what I was really thinking during our dates. What a great way to get honest feedback that isn't more propaganda than truth. How often can you really get that....!

Well, Slow and Steady welcome to the blog!

A few of you have sent me emails or comments about potential bachelors. Keep them coming I am down to 12 weeks now.....!!!!

oh...and there may be a party at the end of this and YES I will invite all of the bachelors!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

On the home stretch.....

Alright everyone, Below is an email I just sent out to my entire email address book....thought you all should get to read it as well. .

I am currently 36 dates in.......which means I have 16 dates left to finish by June 1,2010. If you take a peak at your calendar you will see that I actually only have 13 weeks to do it. (I have gotten behind over the last month)

I get questions all the time if I am going to write a book or go on Oprah, but those of you that know me understand that is not why I embarked on this crazy journey. It was to put myself out there, meet new and interesting people, and not be afraid to fail. ( and maybe a free meal here or Well.....this has done EXACTLY that! I can not begin to describe all of the people I have meet and the lessons I will take with me from this great year.


This is my last call for you to step up and set me up with that “guy” that you have been thinking about all year long. I’m not looking for Mr. Perfect, because I am really not sure who that even is. So help me finish strong and set me up. A reminder of the parameters.

He must be:
  1. Male
  2. Straight
  3. Single
  4. Ages 21-39

If you have someone in mind, let me know and we can get it all set up. There are no rules here so just help me make it happen. I need help a girl out!

Thanks to all of you for being so supportive and helping me on this journey!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Date 36- Valentines Day @ the Rodeo....

Valentines Day....a day full of pressure when it comes to dating. Am I required to give a gift to someone just because it is Valentines Day? Or is it too soon? This was the question..

Date 36- Repeat dater from 34 and 35
This date was initiated by me! A good friend of mine offered me PBR tickets (Professional Bull Riders) and I thought it would be a fun low pressure date on Valentines Day. I knew the only guy that would be game for PBR would be this guy.....and he was totally down with the plan.

Ok, now back to the gift giving dilemma. I wasn't sure how to handle this and I didn't want to get caught empty handed in case Date 36 showed up with flowers, candy, etc. So i made a last minute run to Walgreens to pick up a Valentines goodie. I decided to hide it in my purse and to use it if it was needed. I debated to just start the date off with the gift but I chickened out.

When Date #36 showed up, I noticed he was a bit off his game. It took me a bit to figure out but it came out that he had partied hard the night before and was still hungover. (He picked me up for noon for a lunch date). We went to the amazing breakfast place Classen Grill here in OKC. (one of my favs). It made me laugh that he totally ate the "hungover" breakfast that we all crave after a night of downing too many drafts.

After a great brunch, we headed to the rodeo!!! Now, to clear things up I am not a rodeo fan to say the least but I can appreciate any "sport" and production and this is FOR SURE a "PRODUCTION". I think that Date 36 might of had some sensory overload with all the flames, lights, music, etc. Thats what you get for going to the rodeo! We had a great time critiquing the bull riding...if you can even do that. Actually...I think we had more fun making fun of the names of the bulls.

Now, you are all wondering if I pulled the Valentines gift out and gave it to Date #36. I chickened out and didn't want to make things weird since he didn't appear to have anything for me. So the second I walked into my house when he dropped me off, I ATE THE CANDY! ( sad.........but delicious)

All in all, it was a Valentines Day that fits right in with my current dating life and I couldn't ask for me! Happy Valentines Day to all of your happy couples out there. Maybe next year I will have a permanent valentine

Only 16 more dates..I have until June 1st so SET ME UP!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentines Day...ohh the possibilities

Hello everyone!

Alright, I know everyone would be wondering if I have a date for Valentines Day! and the answer is YES!!!! But the questions is really if I can get more than one? Wait for updates this weekend

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Date 35- How did he know i LOVED Root Beer

After watching Julie and Julia today during our "ice" day here in OKC, I got inspired to keep this blog moving forward! I can relate to the meltdowns and highs that she experienced while embarking on her year long mission as I have had the same types of moments.

Date #35 seemed to already know me before we even went on the date. I LOVE ROOT BEER, so when he presented the idea of going to "Coits" to grab a root beer I could not resist. It is hard to describe Date #35 without using the word "funny". I am pretty sure I laughed throughout the entire date.

Now, many of you that know me pretty well know that I am not the best decision maker when it comes to my own personal life. These struggles range from picking what kind of candy bar to get at the gas station to determining my profession. (I have gotten better...I did buy a car by myself). So when Date #35 offered me the pick of restaurants I was unable to make a choice. Without even flinching, the bachelor went straight for a coin in his glove box and determined that we would flip for it. Head- Coits Tails- Big Truck Tacos. Now most of the time when you flip for it, you are required to go with the winer but the second it landed on heads I knew I wanted Big Truck tacos. Until the option was taken away, I didn't even know I wanted it.

Now I am hopeful that this doesn't prove to be how all decision in my life turn out, especially in the relationship department. A professor told me once that by not making a choice you are choosing. I think sometime I do that to avoid conflict, etc. I have gotten off subject.

We had a fantastic meal a Big Truck Tacos on NW 23rd in OKC! ( If you have not NEED TO). COnversation seems to flow with DAte #35 pretty easily. We even tried to analyze some of the patrons at the restaurant and I have to admit that he was much better at the game than I am. I can always spot a first date but a business deal at Big Truck Taco is not the first thing I would of come up with.

After dinner we headed straight to Coits to get that root beer. Now some of you may think this date was not flashy enough for you but honestly it is real life. I don't need expensive dinners or crazy extravagant dates to have a great time. And this was proof. We sat at Coits till they shut down discussing all types of topics.

Date #35 asked me to tell him something about myself that was odd or random. Honestly, I took me a while to come up with anything that I had not already shared with him. Like my love for random musicals, sports or crime shows on TV. Not until the next day did I realize that I do have a random love of Kinkos and office supplies! I love to staple, copy, collate and bind. Weird...I know but I blame OCU for that one with all those crazy projects.

I am really hoping to get to see Date #34/35 again. But only time will tell!

Only 17 dates left on this journey! I can not believe it has gone by this fast but I want to make the most of the last 17. Don't be afraid to set me up.

Keep reading!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Date 34- I was bound to see people I know

Date 34 was a product of the six degrees of separation. Sometimes I forget how 52 in 52 can be an interesting conversations topic for my friends, and their friends and their in-laws, etc.

Date #34 was brought to me by a co-worker! She brought up the idea while at home on the east coast for the holidays and it traveled faster than she could get back to Oklahoma! Next thing I know, I get an email from a prospective bachelor interested in taking me out on the town!

The bachelor suggested that we meet for dinner at a Thai restaurant and then head to a local hot spot to listen to a band. Now, those of you that know me and my lack of taste in good music know that this could of intimated me......but fear not! I sought out advise from my "music" guru who will remained unnamed. I don't deal well with just "listening" to music instead of actually having a conversation. I'm the girl who is afraid of silence....

We meet for dinner and bonded instantly over our taste in condiments. Not a fan of mustard or kind of guy. Conversation flowed great! Date #34 was full of energy and excited to learn more about me and my adventure. He proved to be an pretty interesting fellow as well! I am not going to lie, during dinner we had a group of around 10 trannies walk into the restaurant to eat. We spent a good 5 minutes trying to figure out the occasion they were celebrating but our CSI skills were not above par. Honestly, I was great to see that Date 34 has a good attitude when it came to culture!

We finished dinner and headed to a local bar to listen to a band. We walked into the place and it was pretty low key but within 30 minutes the place turned into CityWalk! We could barely hear each other and were surrounded by people at the bar trying to order a drink. Date #34 suggested we try another bar and I was game. On my way to be the bathroom, I did run into a friend who had spotted me on my 52 in 52 date and was hesitant to come up and say hello. I knew I would run into someone I knew eventually, but this was just the beginning!

After arriving at the next bar, Date #34 ran to the restroom while I went in to grab a table. After taking two steps in the door I realized that I recognized about 10 people sitting right inside the door. They were my co-workers who had been waiting with baited breath to embarrass the crap out of me in front of a date! I debated whether to even stick around at the bar or make up some excuse why we couldn't stay....but why lie.

I sat across the bar but in could see all of my friends clear as day. They spend the rest of the evening waving, grinning and chuckling in my direction. They didn't stay long, but of course each of them came over to my table one at a time to say good-bye and introduce themselves to Date #34. Good thing Date 34 had such a great attitude and loved every minute of it.

I admit, I could of run into a lot worse of people in OKC. Honestly, it still makes me chuckle. I had a wonderful time and look forward to seeing Date 34 again!

Not to many dates to get your guys in now! Keep reading b/c I keep dating

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Date 33- From the country....

Before I get into the details of Date 33, I want to address a few of the comments from friends! Yes..I am 19 dates away from finishing and ahead of schedule!
Yes...I am still having a great time!
Yes...I have learned so much about the game of dating
Yes..I have learned the value of my time

No...I have not fallen in love...

With that being said..lets talk about Date 33!
My new friend Kari set us up! (which I now prefer set ups, much better than online dating) Kari was great because she did everything she could to make sure we had a great time! Thanks girlie! Date #33 and I met at Mickey Mantels for a drink and appetizers before we headed over to the Thunder game!

After Date #33 finally identified my identity (we missed each other the first time) we decided to grab a drink in the bar! The conversation was easy, laid back and filled with laughs. If any of you remember the book, "City Mouse, Country Mouse" then you will know how our conversation started! Date #33 is from western Oklahoma, which is like a foreign country to me. Although I grew up in Kansas, I was never exposed to agriculture/farming. I am always interested in learning about things I know nothing about so I think I may have gone overboard in asking questions about cows, tractors, fore-wheelers, etc. But to his credit, Date #33 was a great sport and gave it right back to me!

Next on the agenda was the Thunder game at the Ford Center! To be honest, I was worried that it might be awkward to try to continue conversation at a basketball game because I am normally so focused on the game itself, but no problem! Our laid back conversation continued right through the game! Date #33 didn't even mind that I checked my phone 47 times b/c my Jayhawks were playing Cornell. (it was a close I had to). Although he may be a Tarheels fan, I can forgive that for now.

Due to the frigid temperatures, Date #33 gave me a ride home! It took more time to drive it than it would of taken me to walk but it was a good excuse to extend the date. I enjoyed getting to know someone who was so opposite of me and I look forward to seeing him again soon!

Ok....Headed out on Date #34 with another new bachelor tonight! Keep the referrals coming...they seem to be much better dates!