Monday, April 5, 2010

Date 41- Silverware required!

First off, I apologize for not getting a pre-date interview posted for Date 41. I was unsure of the best person to ask to interview me because I was honestly not sure how Date 41 got tuned into my dating adventure. Midway through our date I remembered to ask Date 41 how he found out about 52 in 52 and the credit actually goes back to Date #1. First date of the bunch also gets credit for Date 41....well done! Thanks!

Ok now onto the recap...I meet Date #41 at a local Ethiopian restaurant for dinner. I give this bachelor some credit for trying to do something that was unique and not just another Bricktown restaurant. To be honest, when I read the menu I was a bit intimated but I just went with the flow. How bad can it be.....right?

Well at first the waiter brought us towels on a plate. To be honest, I wasn't all that sure what the hell to do with them but I followed the lead of my date and figured out they were meant to clean your hands. I should of figured this was a sign of what was to come but I was still pretty naive. The appetizer came out and were delicious. Fried something....:) Yum!

Next was the main course! They set down a huge plate filled with various different piles of food, non of which I could identify. Then came some funny sweet tortilla type things that were more lunch sponges. I waited for the serve to remember to bring us silverware, but as I soon found out, silverware is not an option. YOU EAT WITH YOUR HANDS!!!! Ok.......on a first date? I was pretty unsure about this but gave it a good try. The food/mush was not bad, but I felt like a kid with bad motor skills trying to pick it up with the bread and eat it while still looking lady like. Remember, I am on a date!! :)

Lesson Learned: If you want to be creative with your restaurant choice on a date, just ensure they have silverware! :)

Date 41 was easy going and excited to be a part of 52 in 52. I respected the fact that he understand the notion behind the whole thing and was willing to play a part in it. I drilled Date 41 with questions about his job, background and hobbies. Funny thing is, he never really asked me anything about me. Either he already knew it all from reading my blog, forgot to ask, or didn't think it was important. Another tip, this one I learned from a professor in college.

People like to talk about something that they are an expert in. Everyone is an expert on themselves! So give them a chance to shine......Date 41 forgot that one but no biggie! I think when people get nervous they just rattle on and forget they are having a conversation instead of telling a story. This is not the first date this has happened and I doubt that last but those of you who know me know I don't need to be asked to talk about myself!

I enjoyed the conversation with Date 41 about traveling, politics and family but I would alway recommend leaving out any past relationship drama out of the first date conversation. When this stuff comes out you always run a risk of not coming off the way you think you should. Past relationships are not first date conversations, no matter how much they affected your life. No need to discuss failed relationships, engagements or marriages fellas. I doubt you want to hear about my old boyfriend so if you find yourself headed down that road in the conversation, find the next exit ramp and get off!

Now, Date 41 suggested that since the dinner was a bit difficult to eat that we head to Melting Pot to have dessert. Melting Pot drives me nuts that you pay more to cook your own food at your table, but I can not deny their dessert. What a GREAT IDEA! We enjoyed some great drinks and chocolate to end the evening.I will say that I ate WAY more than my date and got self conscious and stopped. I totally could of finished that entire plate of goodies. I should of just gone for it....but no girl wants to be that girl.

Now many of you who know me are aware of the Dewey Decimal system first date that I experienced a few years back. Now, I'm am still not sure who but this story came up and I told it in all its glory to Date 41 and I think he felt a lot better about himself. Rest assured guys, there is always someone out there that is worst that you at dating! :) (For reference, I went on a date with a guy who shared with me that he organized his personal bookshelf with the DEWY DECIMAL SYSTEM!!!)

All in all, the date was a nice evening of interesting conversation and difficult to eat food. Mark another date done....Date 42 is scheduled for Thursday! Get ready!

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