Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Return of the Pre-date interview

Date # 5! (This week’s questions are brought to you by Sheana, MJ’s best friend from college who lives in LA. Sheana can’t find MJ any dates in OKC, so this is her contribution.) 
Q. How did you get set up with this date?  Mary Jo-Random.......a friend from last summer suggested we go out. 
Q. Do you still get nervous before the dates? Mary Jo- Not as much as I used to before the 52 in 52. I still do get nervous when I am getting ready, I think all girls do.
Q.  How much information do you know about him that you haven’t read on Facebook? Mary Jo- I know he liked funky t-shirts, so I am interested to see what he shows up in tonight
Q.  Who decided eating cupcakes would be a good first date? Mary Jo- He did..but i do like cupcakes
Q. What kind of cupcake are you? Mary Jo- Can’t remember the name.
Q.  What kind of cupcake do you think he is going to get? Mary Jo- I see him as a chocolate guy

Q. Are you going to dinner first or straight for cupcakes? Mary Jo-Cupcakes first, but I believe we are just picking them up and then heading next door for dinner

Q.  No matter how well this date goes, where will you be in the beginning of February 2010? Mary Jo- Watching the Olympic with my best friend SHEANA! 

Stay tuned for a post date update tomorrow! 

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