Date 30- A new bachelor, but from the same tree as SLOW and STEADY
Recently it has taken me more time than usual to find the time to schedule dates with new bachelors. Date 30 faced the same scheduling issue but we finally got together before Christmas for coffee at Starbucks. ( Another coffee date for the girl who doesn't like coffee/Starbucks). Honestly, Date 30 is a super nice guy and we held good conversation throughout the date. Topics included
- OSU athletics (more of a mutual hatred for OU)
- Health care reform bill (he works in politics and is very republican...i am not)
- Tiger Woods and his 17 girlfriends (if that is what you call them)
- Favorite Movie comparison...
As you can tell, most of these topics are current events or standard first date conversations. Although Date 30 never said anything wrong, he always seemed to agree with me even though I could tell he felt differently. Many of you know me and know I am not afraid of a conflict or disagreement but this bachelor must be because he pretty much rolled over and let me win.
Another interesting detail about Date 30 was that he wanted to schedule the next date right away. A way to guilt you into the next one....! with the holiday I was able to deflect till later on but I found he is pretty persistent.
Lets just say nice guy but I'm not interested....
Date 31- To come clean or not??? That is the question
Slow and Steady and I had already scheduled another date before the realization that he is still "looking." Considering it is December we took advantage of the OKC Downtown in December activities and went ice skating. Now, due to the realization discussed in the last post, I decided to not get him a xmas present b/c I didn't think we were there. Well he walked in my front door with one for me. (Gift card to an ice cream placed we had been to...cute but nothing special).
So....backup plan went into place. I had cookie dough in the fridge and had him help me make sugar cookies and then sent the batch home with him. Cute....yes I know. It is actually a REALLY fun date activity. Highly recommend it :)
Now.....things are comfortable with this bachelor and I wasn't in the mood to rock the boat right before I decided to not bring up the whole internet dating thing. Why cause an issue where it really doesn't matter. Are we seriously dating...NO. But I enjoy his company and want to keep him as a friend. I think it is better to let this one play out I am sure it will.
So lesson learned: I am looking for someone who challenges me.....not lets me always win.
Two more dates are on the books but I still need your help setting me up! Keep the suggestions coming!
you've never made me sugar cookies.